The Aquatic Invertebrates of Texas




Placobdella phalera (Graf)





Synonyms:  Batracobdella phalera (Graf)
                                          (Harrel & Duplechin 1976; Cover & Harrel 1978; Klemm 1982; Klemm GTFA 1982; Barclay 1983; 
                                            Cusak 1984; Barclay & Harrel 1985; Howard 1988; Bayer et al. 1992)

                   Desserobdella phalera (Graf)
                                           (Moore 1995)




Distribution Citations

1976 Harrel & Duplechin
1978 Cover & Harrel

[1982 Klemm]
[1982 Klemm GTFA]
1983 Barclay
1984 Cusak
1985 Barclay & Harrel
1988 Howard


[1991 Davis]
1992 Bayer et al.
[1995 Moore]




[ ] indicate state record, no specific county or locality indicated


-widely distributed but not frequently encountered (Klemm 1992)

-found both freeliving and parasitic on bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)(Klemm 1982)

-possible report of this species from Real County by Cambell & Clark (1982)

copyright:   Stephen W. Ziser    

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